
Massarelli’s Fine Stone Garden Accents

Starting in 2016 we will be carrying Massarelli’s products. Massarelli creates stone statues, fountains, and other garden accents. Click on each picture for a larger view of what we have in stock. More information about their products can be found here

 Rabbit Set  20160610_132445 $ 77.00
 Rabbit on Stone  20160610_132513  $44.80
 Gargoyle  20160610_133023  $68.60
 Red Dragon  20160610_133123  $89.60
 Celtic Cross  20160610_133204  $71.40
 Garden Gnome  20160610_133242  $72.80
 Tiki Fountains  20160610_133440  $44.80 – $46.20
 Peace Sign  20160610_133616  $61.60
 Woodsie Dragons  20160610_134436  $32.20
 Lil’ Dragons  20160610_134527  $32.20
 Reading Tree  20160610_134601             $140.00
 Tiki Chair    $238.00
 Vine Bird Bath  20160610_134838  $82.60
 Butterfly Bird Bath  20160610_134844 $93.80
 Two Piece Bird Bath  20160614_143213 $105.00
 Large Smile Face  smileface $102.20
 Large Owl  20160614_162645 $53.20